They say those who can’t play, coach. To me, the same holds true for writing. Those who can’t write, edit.
Brake vs. Break
I’ve run across this mistake more than once in the last few weeks. Here’s a reminder to avoid further confusion.
The noun brake is a device for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.
Break is both a noun and a verb. The verb to break means to terminate, shatter or separate into parts. The noun refers to a pause, interval or gap in time.
Brake vs. Break
Happy Christmas!
What book(s) did you get under your tree? Or, which book(s) are you planning to purchase with your shiny new gift cards?
Happy Christmas!
Principle vs. Principal
Last week I gave you a preview to the tip for today. I remember learning the difference between these two words back in grade school. Our school principal was our “pal”. Remembering that would allow us to always use the correct form of the word. I’m beginning to understand not everyone learned this tip. Here are the definitions of both words to help you.
A principle is always a noun. It is a rule, law or doctrine.
A principal can be a noun and an adjective. It means the main, primary or most important in a group.
Principle vs. Principal
Main vs. Mane
This week’s tip is one I ran across this week during my reading. I hope it helps clear some things up for you.
Main means the most important, chief or principal*. It can also be the largest pipe in a network of connecting pipes.
Mane usually refers to the long, thick hair around the neck of some mammals.
* Next week’s tip will be the difference between principal and principle.
Main vs. Mane
Faint vs. Feint
Did you know that most of my Tuesday Tips come straight from my own experience? I keep a list of common mistakes I find when editing or proofreading and those mistakes become tips for each of you. So, without further ado…
Faint can mean to lose consciousness or to lack in strength, clarity or brightness. It is both a noun and a verb.
Feint is a noun referring to a deceptive action or attack.
Faint vs. Feint