Friday Fun

Do you have a favorite book? Or a list of favorites?


Friday Fun

Worse vs. Worst

Worse and worst are often misused in the English language. Here is a simple definition describing when to use them correctly.

Worse: Use worse to compare two things. Think of it like better only in the negative instead of the positive.

Example: My husband’s singing is worse than mine.

Worst: Use worst when one thing is inferior to something else. Think of worst like best, only in the negative.

Example: My husband has the worst singing voice in the world.

***Note: My husband really doesn’t have the worst voice, he just has the worst time remembering the correct lyrics to songs, which is worse.

Worse vs. Worst

Friday Fun

Do you have a preference? If it’s a Reader, which one do you use?

book vs. reader

Friday Fun

Passed vs. Past

Here is a quick and easy way to remember this Tuesday Tip.

Passed: past tense of the verb pass

Example: He passed the note to the girl in his class.

Past: a noun or an adjective. Noun – the time before the present; Adjective – finished, completed, in the past

Example: You cannot live in the past.

Here is a fun and easy sentence to help keep things clear.


Passed vs. Past

Friday Fun

Friday the 13th has never been a superstitious day for me. In fact, Friday the 13th of June has been a rather lucky day in the past and today is no exception. How do you feel about Friday the 13th? Does it bring good luck, or bad?


Friday 13th

Friday Fun

Awhile vs. A while

Awhile: an adverb meaning, for a time. Or literally, for a while.

Example: Go play awhile.

**In this sentence you can swap out the adverb with another, such as: quietly. Go play quietly.

A while: a noun meaning, for a length of time.

Example: Go play for a while.

**In this sentence you can swap out the noun with a length of time, such as: ten minutes. Go play for ten minutes.

Awhile vs. A while

Friday Fun

My husband found this not too long ago, and if I was one to get a tattoo, these would be fitting for the pair of us. What do you think?


Friday Fun

Shutter vs. Shudder

This is a common mistake I am seeing more and more often in books.

Shutter– a blind for a window, or part of a camera

Shudder– to tremble in fear

Therefore, you cannot shutter with dread. You shudder. 

Shutter vs. Shudder