Friday Fun???

My husband posted this on his Google+ page and said he can relate. I’m not sure if that’s funny or not.


Friday Fun???

Friday Fun

We just came back from a short road trip and finding a new Wi-Fi network would have been much more entertaining if we’d had these to choose from.


Friday Fun

Sense vs. Since

I see this common mistake often. Here’s a little bit of help to clear things up.

Sense is a verb meaning “feel” or a noun meaning “intelligence”. It can often refer to the five senses or the different forms of perception, reasoning, and understanding.

Since is most commonly an adverb often referencing time but can also be used as a preposition or as a conjunction. It is used to express something that occurred previously but whose effects continue to the present.


Sense vs. Since

Strong Words vs. Weak Words

A few weeks ago as I was writing a Tuesday Tip post, my 9-year-old daughter asked if I had discussed strong words vs. weak words. I requested she give me an example and she told me she would write some down for me. Apparently there is a poster in her classroom that has examples of stronger words to use when writing. She came home from school the next day with two pages full of word substitutions. Today’s Tuesday Tip is courtesy of my daughter and she hopes you all are able to fill your books with stronger words. (She also requested you overlook any spelling errors and messy handwriting.)

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And if you need a list that’s a little bit more “professional”, here is a wide range of emotions, just in case.

emotional vocabulary

Strong Words vs. Weak Words